Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hey all,
It's September, and that means it's time for Oktoberfest!  We are fortunate enough to have 6 different varieties on draft this season. 
  1. Spaten Oktoberfest
  2. Hacker Pschorr Oktoberfest
  3. Bell's Octoberfest
  4. Atwater Block-toberfest
  5. Magic Hat Hex
  6. Samuel Adams Octoberfest
Let's start with my personal favorite-- Spaten Oktoberfest.  This was my favorite flavor last year, so I'm a little biased, plus it was one of the darker varieties.  Since all I can think of to describe it is that it's dark and delicious, slightly sweet and roasty tasting--Here's what Johnie from Beeradvocate had to say about the brew:
"Deep golden amber with a huge fluffy white head ... Smells of malt in spades. Bready caramel and burnt sugar mixed with just enough earthy floral hops to keep it from being sweet. Taste is rich and malty. Melanoids mixed with bread and grain with a spicy floral hop bite that keeps everything in check. Medium body and carbonation level, rich sweet malty mouthfeel. Light and easy to drink."
What's your favorite Oktoberfest?


  1. I apologize but did that gentlemen just describe a beer or, the sights and scents coming from the Yankee Candle store at Somerset?


    Great Blog Sten!



  2. Hahaha! Now that you said that it does kind of sound like he's talking about a candle store!

    Thanks for the feedback! See you soon.

